Keeping Balance If you’re a youth leader, there’s a good chance you’re in your 20's or early 30's. Maybe you’re a college student starting a summer ministry job for a small church....
Journaling Writing things down in order to remember them is as old as the first writing utensil. Writing is designed to do one of two things: to communicate to others or...
Importance of Evangelism Teaching “evangelism” to your students. . . . Strikes fear into many youth pastors. Unless of course, you have the gift of evangelism. Then you teach and train this on...
Being in The Word We want to encourage you to be in God’s Word, so God’s Word is in you, then your impact will be great on today’s student culture.Every minister, even every Christian,...
Radical Change - What if someone told you they could guarantee radical change in your students’ lives? What if they said they could give you the secret to making disciples of your students with lasting fruit for the rest of their lives—all beginning in your student ministry?...