A plan for a New Year (or anytime)

 Turning the calendar to January guarantees two things: unending weight loss ads and talk of resolutions. Not revolution, but resolution. Let’s think about the word “resolution” for a second. It seems to have lost its original meaning and now has a connotation of how it sounds. Re-solution. A recycled solution. A solution that didn’t work before, maybe many times before, so we’re going to make another run at it. Then our humanity sets in ... again.

 I am a firm believer in goals. No, not “I want to make a million before the year is out,” unless of course, you have three-quarters of a million in the bank already and you’re in pro sports. I’m talking about challenging, yet realistic, goals. Faith-filled, God-honoring, life-changing goals.

 After The Hunger Games books and movies debuted, archery grew quickly in popularity. Suppose two novice archers walk out into a field with bows and arrows and one says, “I bet I’m a better shot than you. Let’s start shooting and see who can hit something.” Of course, that would be a ridiculous way to judge their skills, but don’t we often approach life exactly like that? Instead, if one says, “I think I’m a better shot than you” and then sets up a target with a bulls-eye on a hay bale and marks off twenty yards, then we will soon have no doubt who the better archer is. Why? Because we now not only have a standard but the means to measure results.

 Without a vision, the people perish —Proverbs 29:18a KJV

 What do you think God’s vision is for your life and ministry in the next few months? He does have a vision for you, you know. He has the plan for you and your ministry. What changes does He have in store for you?

 When was the last time you sat down in the quiet and asked God what He wanted for your life and ministry? What could happen if you took a day (or more) of personal retreat and solitude to hear from Him? What if you truly handed Him full control of your life? Listen to Jesus:

"Here's what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won't be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace.” Matthew 6:6 MSG

 Maybe this is an oversimplification, but try this as you roll into another brand new year:

1—Get with God. Hear His heart, His plan, for you. Put up the target.
2—Set your goals based on what you hear Him say. Aim for the target.
3—Go full force after that vision. Loose the arrow.
4—If things start to go wrong (you miss), repeat steps 1-3.

This is your Father you are dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need. Matthew 6:8 MSG

Happy New Year from the Student Discipleship Ministries staff!